Laboratory of ocean and atmospheric optics

PhD, M.A. Rodionov

The laboratory was founded in 1969.
The laboratory includes 3 PhD researchers.
- Fundamental and applied research of optical methods for the World Ocean study.
- A fundamental optical model of a cloudless and cloudy oceanic atmosphere has been built on the basis of long-term measurements in the Atlantic, Pacific, and Indian oceans.
- A unique experimental installation allowed a comprehensive study of the light interaction with a waved water surface. A theory for pulsed radiation transfer through a three-layer medium (cloud + atmosphere + ocean) was developed for the calculation of the optical communication system between space and underwater objects.
- A universal theory of underwater vision and vision through the rough sea surface was created (jointly with the IAP RAS), and reflected in two monographs, and awarded the D.S. Rozhdestvensky prize by the Presidium of the Russian Academy of Sciences for the best work in the field of optics (2010).
- A method for correcting distortions of the image of an underwater object caused by waves has been developed. For the first time in world practice, such a correction was carried out as a result of a laboratory experiment.
- A statistical theory has been developed for the remote determination of the concentration of phytoplankton, suspended matter, and dissolved organic matter in water from the ocean brightness spectra, taking into account the receiver noise.
- Based on the carried research of hydro-optical and hydrological characteristics in the Barents, White, Kara, and Black Seas, the optimal lidar methods were developed for internal waves and other non-stationary processes detection in the water column.
- Spawarsyscen Institute, Charleston, USA
- Department of Mathematical Statistics, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan, USA
- Institute of Oceanology of the Polish Academy of Sciences, Sopot, Poland
- Dalian Institute of Technology, Dalian, China

a) undistorted image (no excitement)
b) instant image distorted by excitement
c) restored image
Laboratory staff:
- Glitko Oleg Viktorovich
- Glukhov Vladimir Alekseevich
- Monakhov Roman Yurievich
- Nikitin Dmitry Alekseevich
- Rodionov Maxim Anatolyevich
- Filatov Nikolay Nikolaevich
- Frantsuzov Oleg Nikolaevich